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Clients are in love with their own ideas. When I say ‘client’ I mean the person or team to which you report. This may be your supervisor, boss, customer, or project manager. For simplicity, we’ll refer to that person as your client. That person will get more excited about their own idea than anything else.

客户喜欢他们自己的想法。 当我说“客户”时,是指您要向其报告的人员或团队。 这可能是您的主管,老板,客户或项目经理。 为简单起见,我们将那个人称为您的客户 。 这个人会比其他任何事情都对自己的想法更加兴奋。

This boils down to: if you’re working on behalf of someone, then that person’s opinions must in everything you do.

这可以归结为: 如果您代表某人工作,那么该人的意见就必须包含在您所做的所有事情中。

I specialize in making websites. For me, good web design is when your clients’ feel they’re responsible for all the great ideas every step of the way. The more things your clients feel they can take credit for, the better off you are.

我专门制作网站。 对我来说,良好的网页设计是您的客户认为他们对 每一步的所有伟大创意负责 的时候 。 您的客户觉得自己可以信赖的东西越多,您的生活就越好。

Your clients need to feel that their input is very useful — this is a core human need. Not caring or asking for your clients’ input will lead to them feeling apathy for whatever you produce. It’s an easy mistake to make. I often lose clients because of it. It happens whenever I insist and insist on prescribing my own solutions. In fact, here’s an embarrassing story about when I lost a potential customer due to my prescribing.

您的客户需要感觉到他们的输入非常有用-这是人类的核心需求。 不关心或要求客户的意见将使他们对您生产的产品感到冷漠。 这是一个容易犯的错误。 因此,我经常失去客户。 每当我坚持并坚持规定自己的解决方案时,都会发生这种情况。 实际上,这是一个令人尴尬的故事,说明我何时由于处方而失去了潜在客户。

通过过多的处方疏远客户 (Alienating a client via too much prescribing)

Some time ago, when I was first starting out at web design, I received an email from a potential client. It was from a puppy dog-sitting service. They wanted minor website fixes regarding their SEO content and wanted me to remove a form. This simple stuff would have taken me less than an hour to fix.

前一段时间,当我刚开始从事网页设计时,我收到了来自潜在客户的电子邮件。 这是从小狗看管服务。 他们希望对网站的SEO内容进行较小的修复,并希望我删除表格。 这些简单的东西花了我不到一个小时的时间来解决。

I started typing up a reply asking if we could speak and go over what they wanted. Then I started thinking about how desperately I wanted my first paying client. So I switched things up and began making my email as comprehensive as possible. I added more details about how SEO works and how it relates to the site. I mentioned a few possible ways of removing the form and how the final result should look.

我开始输入答复,询问我们是否可以发言并讨论他们想要的内容。 然后,我开始思考我多么渴望我的第一个付费客户。 所以我改变了一切,开始使我的电子邮件尽可能的全面。 我添加了有关SEO的工作原理以及它与网站的关系的更多详细信息。 我提到了几种删除表格的方式以及最终结果的外观。

And then I started thinking, I really wanted my first paying client. What if I didn’t say enough? So then I added more details. I sent her a final email of 375 words. 375!!

然后我开始思考,我真的想要我的第一个付费客户。 如果我说的不够多怎么办? 因此,我添加了更多详细信息。 我给她发送了375字的最终电子邮件。 375 !!

I never got a reply back. At first, I was annoyed. I spent all that time typing such a long email and never heard back! But after some time passed, I cooled down and began realizing that maybe my email was a bit too long. But I still didn’t understand why that was such a problem. To find out, I went to an NYC freeCodeCamp Coffee and Code and spoke to one of its most active members, Michael Semko, a veteran web design freelancer.

我再也没有得到回复。 起初,我很生气。 我花了所有时间输入这么长的电子邮件,却再也听不到! 但是过了一段时间,我冷静下来,开始意识到我的电子邮件可能太长了。 但是我仍然不明白为什么这是一个问题。 为了找到答案,我去了纽约市的一个免费的CodeCamp Coffee and Code,并与其中一位最活跃的成员,资深的网页设计自由职业者Michael Semko进行了交谈。

Michael explained to me that my email broke a core rule of web design. Working with clients must be a back-and-forth conversation. My too long email was all my ideas. It had no input from the client whatsoever. Because my email was a solution that came from zero customer input, I and my website skills were rejected. Which yields the question: what should my email have said?

迈克尔向我解释说,我的电子邮件违反了网页设计的核心规则。 与客户打交道必须是来回的对话 。 我太长的电子邮件就是我所有的想法。 它没有任何来自客户端的输入。 因为我的电子邮件是来自零客户输入的解决方案,所以我和我的网站技能都被拒绝了。 这就产生了一个问题:我的电子邮件应该怎么说?

Michael explained that the easiest way to get a customer’s input is via a discussion over coffee, Skype, or a face-to-face conversation. He said the core message of my email should have been that I can get the job done and to request some sort of 1-on-1 discussion to go over the details. It’s really that simple: “Hey there, I can get the job done. Could we have some sort of discussion to go over the details? How about at…”.

Michael解释说,获得客户意见的最简单方法是通过咖啡,Skype或面对面的对话进行讨论。 他说,我电子邮件的核心信息应该是我可以完成工作要求进行一些一对一的讨论以了解详细信息。 真的很简单: “嘿,我可以完成工作。 我们可以进行某种讨论来讨论细节吗? 怎么样……”。

And it’s during that conversation, via a back-and-forth discussion, that you decide together what the client wants, go over pricing, and try to lock in the deal, etc.


A cornerstone of a successful meeting is if the client feels they were listened to, understood, and that they can take credit for the final product. Face-to-face you can show your clients sample web designs on-screen and get their immediate feedback. That power simply is not possible via email.

成功召开会议的基石是,如果客户感觉到他们已经被倾听,理解,并且他们可以为最终产品赢得荣誉。 您可以面对面地在屏幕上向客户展示示例Web设计并获得他们的即时反馈。 通过电子邮件根本无法实现这种功能。

It seems easy to avoid prescribing. Know that under some specific scenarios, its all too easy to fall into the trap.

避免开处方似乎很容易。 知道在某些特定情况下,它太容易陷入陷阱。

绝望增加了处方 (Desperation increases prescribing)

With my too-long email, I prescribed because I really wanted the business. I had zero paying customers at the time. I was desperate. And because I wanted it so bad, I tried to show ‘how smart I was’ and began prescribing and prescribing and prescribing.

由于我的电子邮件太长,我开了处方,因为我真的很想要这项业务。 当时我有零付费客户。 我很绝望。 而且因为我想让它变得如此糟糕,所以我试图展示“我有多聪明”,并开始进行处方,处方和处方。

Be aware that whenever you really need something, the more likely it is that the beast of prescribing will rear its ugly head. When desperation enters the picture, then prescribing becomes all the more likely.

请注意,每当您确实需要某些东西时,开处方的野兽就更有可能抬起丑陋的头。 当绝望进入画面时,开处方就变得更有可能了。

Sometimes, I start prescribing simply because I want the good feeling of ‘helping someone out.’ Because I want to feel that I’m being helpful, if I meet someone else learning JavaScript, I’ll often just launch into a rant prescribing all sorts of good websites and resources that I found helpful for learning JavaScript. This sort of barrage often wastes the other person’s time and alienates them. As mentioned previously, it really should be a 1-on-1 back and forth discussion where they feel they can take credit for all the great ideas that took place.

有时候,我开处方只是因为我想要“帮助别人”的良好感觉。 因为我想感到自己很有帮助,所以如果我遇到其他学习JavaScript的人,我常常会开出一条方言,开列我认为对学习JavaScript有用的各种优质网站和资源。 这种弹幕经常浪费对方的时间并使他们疏远。 如前所述,确实应该是一对一的来回讨论,他们认为他们可以赞扬所有发生的伟大想法。

In conclusion, successful web design involves allowing your clients to feel that their input and ideas are guiding everything that is taking place. It’s particularly easy to start prescribing when you’re desperate. So watch yourself extra carefully in those circumstances. The more credit your clients feel they can take, the more they’ll love the final design. So if you’re working on behalf of someone, then that someone’s opinions must be in everything you do.

总之,成功的网页设计需要让您的客户感觉到他们的意见和想法正在指导正在发生的一切。 绝望时开始开处方特别容易。 因此,在这种情况下,请格外小心。 客户认为自己可以接受的信誉越多,他们对最终设计的喜爱就越大。 因此,如果您代表某人工作,那么您所做的一切都必须包含某人的意见。




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